Friday, March 29, 2013

Big Fat Friday Free For All

What's the matter, friend?  Is your basketball conference a disgrace?  Are you afraid of losing that "we're not allowed to get married" excuse in order to continue your fabulous life?  Share with people who care!  Get it off your chest.

Weight Progress
Diet Start (19 March): 196.4
Last Friday: 195.2
Today:  192.8

Good news?  Solid steady weight loss over time.  Bad news?  SIX CONSECUTIVE DAILY WEIGH INS AT THE SAME WEIGHT (192.8). I realize that plateaus are a part of the game, but this one is particularly nasty.


Bill said...

I can't help but remember the movie, "The Mouse that Roared" when seeing the gesticulations of N. Korea. There is a major difference in capability but....

"The Hammer" said...

CW have you seen "Smoke Yourself Thin" narrated by Troy McClure?

NavyAustin said...

Steady on with the plan that works for you. You will achieve your goal. You always have, always will.

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