Friday, August 2, 2013

A Trip to the Doctor

The first, third, fourth and sixth of the McGrath siblings are all blessed with fullback like undercarriages, whilst the others are sadly bird-legged, like our sainted Father.  The cost of this inequity has been, for the gifted children, hip problems.  I've had one replaced, number 1 has had one and I think is working on the second, number three is considering his first and number six is working her way through some hip issues.

There's something amiss with my port-side hip, and I fear I am on the long road to its replacement.  Different kind of pain than what drove me to have the starboard gear switched out, but pain nonetheless.

So I navigated my way through the military retiree healthcare system known as Tricare Prime, to obtain a consult with an orthopedic surgeon.  This is the second time I've seen this fellow, the first being four years ago to discuss some charleyhorses in my right leg.  The system isn't really that difficult to figure out, and I obtained all appointments easily.

So I went to see him this morning, and for whatever reason, he remembered our last visit four years ago, and our common interest in the military (me having served, him being interested).  Our conversation then turned to a discussion of a number of side businesses in which he is invested.  "What's wrong, Doc--not enough cash in medicine for you," I asked?  "Obamacare" was his quick reply.  "I'm plotting my escape from medicine."

Now, I surely don't know all the details of his decision, nor the logic thereof, but this is a very successful orthopedic surgeon with what appears to be a thriving practice.  And he's gonna quit.  I realize this is an N of 1, but I've gotta believe he's not the only guy contemplating this move.


  1. Some people's legs only appear thin when compared to their well defined upper bodies. Sorry about those breeder hips of yours.

  2. The first, third, fourth and sixth of the McGrath siblings are all blessed with fullback like undercarriages...number six is working her way through some hip issues.

    Soooo, your sister is built like a fullback?

    You are a charmer.

  3. I'm no fullback thank you. Just hippy
