Wednesday, February 11, 2015

$500M Powerball Jackpot

As we've discussed here before, I'm of the opinion that you don't get to fantasize about "what I'd do" if I hid the lottery, unless you actually play the lottery.  After the last round of crazy pots, I signed up for an online service through which I obtained five tickets a week for Powerball.  Week after week, I'd get the email warning that a transaction had been made, and I'd see the charge when I'd review the credit card account against which it was charged.  Week in and week out, the money went out, but no giant jackpots came my way.  As time went on, I soured on the process. I thought about the money I was spending/wasting.  So I shut down the account and have not bought tickets in some time.

And now we have a $500M jackpot, and I find myself thinking I made a bad decision.  I mean, what if this were the TIME for me?  Did I get up from the table too early?  I mean, who do YOU know who would do more substantial and important things with $500M than me?    Am I depriving the world of the skill and talent with which I would surely manage that money?


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