Friday, July 31, 2015

Chicago in summer

I love Chicago. I lived there -- which is actually "here" as I write this, having been here for the last three days -- more than 20 years ago, and cherish any opportunity to come back. And Chicago is especially nice in the summer. A friend of mine said years ago that no city in America gets more out of summer than Chicago, and that is surely true.

Until today, however, I had never ridden in a boat on the river, gazing up at the great buildings of the Chicago Loop. I recommend it. Herewith, some pictures from the afternoon's doggle of boon.

Big Stan...

Big Stan

Trump (is this a violation of election laws?):


Cop yacht.

Police boat


Draw bridge


River view

Sears forever.

Sears forever

More later.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Go get 'em CW, you ARE THE MAN!

  3. An intemperate comment that did not meet standards.

  4. Not a big fan of Chicago. Went through O'Hare a few years ago and some drunks made fun of my accent, you know, Southern inbred halfwit kinda stuff. It was like an Afghan making fun of American toilet facilities.
    And there's Chicago politics...

  5. Plus CW is wrapped WAY too tight!
