Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Milton Friedman: Free to Choose

Here's part 1 of Milton Friedman's 10 part series "Free to Choose". If you have time, give it a watch. If you have lots of time, watch all ten. You'll hear all kinds of scurrilous talk about immigration, free markets and the dangers of protectionism, and the heavy hand of government. You know, the stuff Republicans used to believe, before they decided that Know-Nothingism was the direction for their party to go.


  1. What a much more civil time to engage in debate and discussion compared to the present environment. Shocking and depressing to see how the Republican Party has abondoned timeless principles and how it is intellectually and in many cases, morally corrupt. Where does an old Republican without a present political party turn to?

  2. There are some in the party who remain steadfast. Very few, but they exist.

  3. Gee I missed the part where Hong Kong invited in low wage, unskilled workers and subsidized those workers with free healthcare, food-stamps, WIC, AFDC, education, housing etc. etc. etc. etc....
    Yes Sir buddy, give me that Old Time Religion and let's get some Republican economics happening, you know, after we get back the Senate seat we just blew.
