Sunday, August 17, 2008

CW Strategic Pause

I'll be heading off to a dude ranch in Wyoming at the end of the week, so I'll be out of the blog business between the 22nd and the 30th of August. I will even miss the UVA home opener against Southern Cal (don't ask for my tickets, they've already been given away).

I thank all of you who regularly read, and I hope you'll put a little note in your personal calendar to return to the site on the 31st.


  1. I sincerely hope you achieve "uber"dudeness! Say hello to Billy Crystal and watch out for Jack Palance

  2. and don't forget your portable coffee grinder for the cattle drive. oh, better call ahead and ask them what kind of coffee pitchers they have. nothing quite so bad as spilling hot coffee on the back of a recently tamed mustang. reminds me of the reply one cowboy at a dude ranch used when one of the "dudes" mentioned that he had never ridden a horse before. "No problem, we'll give you a horse that ain't never been rode." God, I wish I could be there with you and a movie camera.
