Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Textbooks Cost Too Much? No Worries, Congress is on the Job!

The cost of college textbooks has always been a pain in the butt. One of the great bennies of a Navy ROTC scholarship was that they paid for my books...I used to watch friends really complain about how much textbooks cost; it really seemed to get them upset. But a national priority?

This morning's newspaper brings news that this national nightmare will soon be over. It appears our Congress (with apparently little else to do), is considering methods of bringing the cost of textbooks down.

I am amazed at what the Congress thinks is important.


  1. Don't purchase textbooks at the school bookstore.

    Snag the ISBN numbers and head online. Yep, still expensive but the online prices for new textbooks appear to be at about 1991 school bookstore prices.

    And of course there's used.

  2. Or just wait for the nanny-state to bail you out....
