Monday, September 15, 2008

On Washington Insiders

Norm Ornstein's got a smart column on Washington insiders in this morning's WaPost. Running against Washington is the most popular way to position oneself to be President, yet many new Presidents find that the city has a code all its own, requiring the assistance of those steeped in its ways. There are ways to get things done in this town, and there are ways to make yourself into one hand clapping. Ornstein's got it right here....Washington insiders are often times critical parts of a successful approach to governing.

1 comment:

  1. "Ornstein's got it right here...."
    Actually, Ornstein's got it left here. To craft an article disavowing the population of their allegedly mistaken impression that "Washington Insiders" need to be neutered while concentrating only on McCain/Palin and conveniently leaving out ANY mention of the candidate who claims to have invented the concept is not smart, it is crafty. He used his column to further his candidate's campaign. Such use of his column is certainly his (and his editor's) choice to make. But it, for me at least, lessens the credibility of his message, "smart" as it may otherwise have been.
