Friday, September 5, 2008

The Washington Post Paints Itself in a Corner

This editorial should come back to haunt the Post. Making the point that one good speech does not a record of experience and accomplishment make, the Post clearly leaves itself open to a charge of inconsistency if it endorses Senator Obama for President. By some measures, Senator Obama is less qualified for the Presidency than is Governor Palin.

I'm getting sick of the new answer to Senator Obama's inexperience...that somehow the experience of running for President and winning a nomination is somehow indicative of the experience necessary to be President. This is not the case, and is clearly not the case in the Democratic Party, where voters tend to fall in love with candidates (while Republicans tend to nominate the guy whose turn it is....)


  1. 'Come out and endorse him?' Are you kidding me? I keep waiting for them to put 'official publication of the Obama campaign' on their masthead.

  2. Why would a worldly gentleman such as the WC be surprised that the Washington Post like the vast majority of the liberal media has thrown objectivity overboard in their unearned and unreasoned love affair over Senator Obama? One can understand if the meteorologists mistake the gushing sound of the liberal media over Obama for the tropical force winds that are plaguing our country of late. But then both are just hot air are they not? And, both can be very destructive to our country.

  3. If you put that editorial into Microsoft Word, you could easily do a global "find-and-replace" of the words "Sarah Palin" with "Barack Obama." And then you would have to put the editorial into the Wall Street Journal....

  4. Believe it or not--i am not convinced that the WaPost will endorse Obama. Yep. You heard it here first...the Post has been deliberately trying (in its editorial stance) to distance itself from the NY Times....and it would not surprise me if they endorsed John McCain, but couch it in language of regret and remorse.

    Now...before I get clobbered. I'm not saying this is the LIKELY outcome. I'm saying it is a possible outcome. 30% chance.

  5. What will be interesting to see is the endorsements the midwestern newspapers will provide. I think the women of Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Pennsylvania see a lot of themselves in Sarah Palin (or at least an idealized version of themselves, which is even better). These are women who are pragmatic, common sense, and hold sway over their households. I know....I am married to one.
