Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday Free For All

Tomorrow, I will inaugurate a new feature here on the site, a weekly "Friday Free For All" thread. The purpose of this thread will be to provide you with a place to tee up issues you find interesting---some of which I'll then turn into threads of their own. This is also the place where interested readers can solicit my opinion on matters they find important. I look forward to your thoughts!


  1. Why not call it "Open Line Friday"?

    Or better yet "Geoffnet Leitung Freitag" so the Conservative Nazi Republican Racist War-Monger Baby Killers on your site will feel right at home.

  2. I would like your opinion on how soon the Fairness Doctrine will be shutting down your site.

  3. Ah, the Left. If it weren't so sad, it would be amusing.

  4. Wait until tomorrow? I have things to say and I will not be silenced!
    If you think you can censor free sp
    Remainder of this post deleted by the blog moderator.
