Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On Obama Keeping Gates

Well, I have to say I'm surprised by the reports that have surfaced today saying that Defense Secretary Robert Gates will stay on a bit through the transition (even though many in the media and AuH2O's Ghost called it). I figured Gates really didn't want the job to begin with, he's tired, and he wants to retire to upstate Washington. Matter of fact, I predicted to Gigs' investor's group just yesterday morning that he wouldn't take it (though I left myself an out by saying that if he did, he'd be there a year or less).

What do I think of it? I think it is great for the country, great for the military, and great for the new President. Robert Gates is a fine American and a talented SecDef. He has put the Rumsfeld years behind us and he's run the Pentagon with a deft hand.

I continue to be impressed with the adults that PEBO is picking for his team.


  1. Fine choice, but get rid of Gordon England. He is the village idiot.

  2. I look darned prescient, don't I? But I also predicted that Lieberman would be offered State, so I'm only half baked.

    I think you're right - if he accepts, he's there for a year, tops (to coincide with the Iraq draw down).
