Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What a Dinner Party!

PEBO apparently dined at George Will's house last night with Will, David Brooks, Bill Kristol and some are saying Charles Krauthammer. I would love to have been there. Smart move on Obama's part...


  1. Why is he getting so much praise for this? This is an invitation George Will extended to him many months ago. Does Obama think he can move these folks by the sheer power of his Obama-ness?
    By the way, Rich Lowry, Peggy Noonan, Larry Kudlow and Paul Gigot were there as well. You can count on Krauthammer, but I wonder how much fawning was going on there by the others.

  2. And you know, I just read on Drudge how Larry Kudlow was talking about the dinner and saying complimentary things about Obama, wishing him the the best. Can you imagine EJ Dionne, Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich et al even giving a conservative a chance by having dinner with him, much less praising him?

  3. Sally--you are absolutely right about the lib press NEVER doing anything civilized like this...certainly keeping it off the record would be verboten.

  4. Although I like to think it was a case of professional journalists acting with class, I can't help but consider that the conservative journalists need Obama as much as he needs them. In a Washington now under total control of Dems, I would imagine the smart conservative journalist might want to secure a little access and some positive coverage, early on, before any acts that would require a more critical commentary, might help achieve that. One might argue that PEBO doesn't need them but if you believe his claims that he wants to bridge the ever growing divide in our country, then having the conservative media's support seems to be an almost necessary step.
