Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hey You--That's Right, You! Pay Attention

I realize that it may have gotten lost in the shuffle of the euphoria surrounding Free For All Friday and my shameless request for costume party advice, but I posted a full-throated advocacy of Government interference in the marketplace yesterday and I've gotten nary a peep out of this red-meat bunch of free-market conservatives. What gives? I realize the post is long, but I believe readers of this column possess the requisite attention spans to handle a 990 word post.


  1. Huh?

    Oh, sorry, I was working and didn't have time to read your post.

    HTH. HAND.

  2. I thought it was an extremely well-written hey look at Megyn Kelly on Fox boy she's pretty!

    Sorry, maybe that's the reason my posts are about 50 words.

    I happened to agree with the sentiments you expressed. But to think that "free markets" are free, even during conversative administrations is nonsense. The very idea of corporate tax cuts is government intervention in the marketplace.

    Obama's energy policies would be more palatable to me if he was to couch them in the very language you do, instead of the lofty rhetoric of environmental hogwash.

  3. No reason to comment when you were 100% accurate.

  4. So to wrap up the week: Wednesday we're called out as a nation of cowards and on Saturday morning we're called out by Bryan as having ADD for not responding to one of his lengthier tomes.

  5. Could you post an executive summary?


  6. The run-off from environmental hogwash is ruining the Chesapeake River Basin.

  7. Yeah, yeah, whatever. But more importantly, did you ever decide which advice on your rock stardom you were going to put into action? The world wonders.
