Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shock and Horror: Obama Asserts "State Secrets" Defense

Who knew? I mean, I thought Dick Cheney was gone, herded off to some Wyoming ranch to plot his diabolical and illegal assertions of Presidential and state power...but no, he's apparently still at work in the Obama Administration. After all, that's the ONLY logical conclusion that could be reached in this case. I mean, we're talking about RENDITION people....clearly this isn't the kind of thing The One supports, right? I mean, it is so, you know, Bush-like...using the whole "state secrets" ruse and all. I mean, gosh, what happened to Hope and Change?

Again, governing and campaigning are two different things. The Obama team continues to find that the answers Bush and his people reached on many questions...while not popular and not easy...were the right ones. Will we ever hear this from the Obama people? Not a chance.

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