Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama, Leno, and the Special Olympics

There's news out of President Obama's appearance on Jay Leno's show last night. Apparently, the President compared his bowling skills to what one might see at the Special Olympics. I learned of this story not through the Corner on NRO, and there is some talk over there about how he's lucky he's not a Republican, about how insensitive the remark was, yada, yada, yada.

Bottom line for me? It was kinda funny. And I surely don't want our side of the aisle to become the shrill, unfunny bunch of scolds that we all know the liberals have become over the years.

I think back to Monty Python's "Village Idiot Olympics"....a remarkably funny bit that clearly made fun of the mentally handicapped (or was it just making fun of the British? I digress.) I imagine such a bit if done today in the USA would be universally excoriated. I imagine that I'd just laugh.

C'mon Conservatives...laugh when things are funny!


  1. I think the point the NRO and others on the right are attempting to make isn't that the comment itself isn't funny, it is that the smokescreen of political correctness and multiculturalism created by the left over the last two decades conveniently dissipates now because one of their own is in power and has said it.

    Of course he loves those goofy little bastards.

  2. CW,

    Agreed, except it's not the joke. It's the hypocricy and the demonstration of poor judgement. When you're POTUS, you don't have the luxury of casual jokesterism-there's always some group that will take your comments as directed at them with the implied weight of the office. Being presidential is serious business...remember when Ronnie quipped about starting the bombing while tape was rolling...hilarious to me....not so much to the Sovs. This guy's more interested in rubbing elbows with Holly-dorks than conducting the business of his office. Perhaps that's why W required staffers to keep the jackets on, ties cinched tight, as a reminder of the heady responsiblity borne by those in the White House. It's all about what the Marines call being "squared away".

  3. The Python sketch you are refering to is the "Twit Olympics". It is poking fun at upper-crust English twits who are way out of touch.

  4. And WHO is surprised by this gauche and downright cruel comment? No different than his classless cheap-shot on 90-yr-old Nancy Reagan in his first presser.

    Trouble is that the REAL Barack tends to leak-out when he's not hard-wired to a TelePrompTer-

    Narcissists are often callous- and even ruthless. They tend to lack empathy and/or a conscience. This is evident in Obama's lack of interest in his own half-brother who lives in poverty in Kenya, or his aunt found living in public housing in Boston.

    Obama's almost certainly a pathological narcissist... the most dangerous charismatic leaders are, comes from an insecure childhood (like Barack's).

    Indicators include control freakery, grandiose self-importance, feeling "above the law", interpersonally exploitive, inability to handle criticism, lack of empathy, arrogant behavior, surrounds himself with sycophants... sound familiar?

    Obama is a mess- and his insecurities, bad childhood, and irresponsible, far-left-wierdo mother are now all OUR problem, too-

  5. Per Iowahawk's idea, Barry O will now be known as "Special O".

  6. Many Special Olympians are mentally challenged because of genetics.

    Yet Democrats demonstrate the same capabilites and many of them have actually gone to college.

  7. Reaganite Republican "Indicators include control freakery, grandiose self-importance, feeling "above the law" -- with regards to the last point, did you miss the past 8 years?

  8. Now the hustler-in-chief gets a couple yucks from the state of the economy.

  9. "Indicators include control freakery, grandiose self-importance, feeling "above the law" -- with regards to the last point, did you miss the past 8 years?

    Yo Anonymous

    Yeah, that's called the recent past. Obumah was supposed to be the saviour, the Messiah. Instead we've confirmed he's just a cheap hustler. A very dangerous cheap hustler at that.
