Sunday, April 5, 2009

UVA Has Its Own Commencement Speaker Kerfuffle

Great little column here by a UVA law student skewering the inconsistency of the "diversity" industry on campus--even one as conservative as UVA. It seems Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III of the 4th US Court of Appeals has been selected as the commencement speaker this year. A fine choice as far as I'm concerned, as his consistent voice of judicial restraint is one that clearly gets little hearing on campus today. This seems to me (and the author) as the very meaning of diversity. Not so to the diversity merchants who see diversity mainly as differing views agreeing on the same thing.

On another note--the conservatism of UVA. Much is made of this. But too much, I think. UVA has a conservative streak, but it is just like most other colleges...a bastion of do-gooders who think that they have cornered the market on social justice and world compassion. I'd be shocked if Obama didn't get 65% of the vote there. It's just that there are a few more conservatives than elsewhere.


  1. I remember when Karin was an undergrad. I didn't know her very well, but she always struck me as very driven and intelligent. She hit the nail on the head with this article.

    That being said, I think you may have the level of conservatism a little high. Or, at the very least, the fervency of the liberal students is generally stronger than that of the conservatives (the College Republicans notwithstanding) as it is at most schools. I would have to figure Obama got closer to 75% of the vote at UVa.

  2. I would be surprised if Obama didn't get 65%+ of the votes on virtually all college campuses, less the likes of Oral Roberts and Liberty...Our current President's popularity amongst the youth is significant.
