Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Return To The Golf Course

I played golf yesterday for the first time in probably two years; maybe the fifth time in ten years. Life and work seemed always to come ahead of golf, and though I enjoyed watching it on TV, I seem to have gotten away from actually doing it.

Man, was it a good time. I realize now how much I missed it, and that I need to work it back into the routine somehow.

I've attached a little video evidence of the rust on my swing.


  1. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Not a bad swing at all. Quite smooth and your head stayed down with the shot. At one time in your life you must of had an excellent teacher.


  2. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Put some trousers on for pete's sake! you are whiting out the video camera.

  3. Damn, I'm fat. Gotta work on that this summer.

  4. Are you sure you're not wearing knickers?

  5. The lawnmower bothered you didn't it?

  6. Knickers! Hilarious.

  7. Sam ShapiroJune 09, 2009

    I'm challenging you to a Doc Milnamo Classic rematch!

  8. I'm sorry, I thought this was Charles Barkley's blog...

    You need to put more weight on your left side, so as not to affirm that reverse pivot you have going on.

    I am available for lessons.

  9. Let your hips come through, you've got a little jerk there and are relying a bit too much on the arms. -and don't let your arms breakdown at then end. I hate people that give golf tips.
