Friday, July 24, 2009

Big Fat Friday Free For All

Good Friday, all, and welcome to the weekend. First, the diet news:

All Time High (April 1 2009): 192.2
Diet start (June 1): 189
Last Friday: 180.2
Today: 180

Things have slowed a bit, but today's result is a bit "skewed" by a post-movie dinner last night that went until 1030. Bigger loss next week, promise.

Went to see the new Harry Potter movie last night--it was good, but I gotta tell you, it is nice to have someone along (The Kitten) who has read the books. Without someone to "interpret" some of what you see and hear, you miss a good bit of the nuance.

What's on your mind this week?


  1. Tom de PlumeJuly 24, 2009

    Gatesgate reminds me of my boyhood days.

    My dad mistakenly set off our burglar alarm and it took a few minutes to figure out how to shut it off. When he walked out of our house, a police officer was approaching the house with his gun drawn and ordered my dad to freeze. Rather than giving the cop a hard time, a la Dr Gates, my dad followed the cop's directions, told, told him he lived there, and a quick confirmation by a passing neighbor settled the issue.

    No Dr Gates, you were arrested because you are a "stupid man in America".

  2. Have you seen The Hangover yet? Funny, if a bit too raunchy at times, and requires no interpretation.

    I keep hearing 'well if Gates were white this wouldn't have happened.' I think a better question is 'if Crowley were black, how would Gates have responded to the police?'

    I sure hope Professor Gates doesn't require the assistance of the police any time soon. I would hate to be the poor slob who'd have to respond to help him.

  3. Tom the Bomb de Plume: remember when Officer Bob Lynn pulled the gun on us on Marter Ave? Fun times!

  4. Tom de PlumeJuly 24, 2009

    Sure, good times, good times. I also remember how we raised our hands, followed instructions, and din't give him any lip. I also remembered how he frisked me and always wondered why because I was wearing 70's style running shorts and a tank top. Of course it all made sense when he was booted off the force when he offered to let a guys ticket "slide" if the young man would allow Bob to perform an act of... oops, forgot this was a family blog.

  5. I have a buddy (white male) who is 70 years old and was recently stopped by a policeman at night for doing 63 in a 55. This buddy is hilariously funny, widely-known in our neck of the woods and just an all around good guy who likes to joke around a lot. Well, when the policeman took upwards of 20 minutes to finish writing out the ticket (my friend couldn't find his registration so the police officer said he'd call in to verify it), my friend said he became concerned. So he honked his horn. When the policeman came up to the car again, he asked why he was honking the horn. My friend proceeded to tell him he could have done his taxes in less time (this is pretty typical of his humor...however ill-placed it was in the face of trying to win over a policeman's good graces). The policeman then told him that although he had finally gotten verification of the registration, he also discovered that his license was expired and asked him to step out of the car. My friend asked him why. (dumb) The officer again told him to step out of the car to which my friend told him no. (stupid) The officer reached for his gun, not drawing it and told him again to step out of the car. This proceeded until culminating in the policeman's gun being drawn, 5 deputy sherrifs and state troopers arriving for back up and my friend getting two traffic tickets and a citation for impeding an officer in the execution of his duties. When my friend told all of us at our weekly breakfast (we had all heard of it ahead of time and were more than eager to rub his nose in it) he continued to act with absolute disbelief that here he was, a 70-yr old man, well-known throughout the community, and this policeman had to draw his gun and call in all those reinforcements. Everyone of us, close, close friends of this man, told him none of this would have happened if he hadn't been such an ass. President Obama claims he is a close friend of Dr. Gates. Too bad he isn't a good enough friend to tell Gates that he was being an ass.

  6. Der old MomJuly 24, 2009

    Hey Tom de Plume and Doc Milnamo remember this gal going down to the police station and asking for the cops head on a plater? I didn't even report to the President. I handled everything myself!

  7. To the 130 or so folks who read this blog every day who are NOT related to me, I rise now simply to assert that while my family is of course, a welcome part of the CW universe, the general readership does indeed consist of folks who share no name or genetic material with me.

  8. The Conservative Wahoo TooJuly 24, 2009

    Dad ?!

  9. MOMMY!!! (I love BFFFFA!!)

  10. Constantine LostmapapalosJuly 24, 2009

    papa - sank you for inviting only family to write. i taught zat you vould vant to know zat eet ees my birsday. mama sayed zat you vould not remember but zat eet was 9 monts to zee day from zat night on zee beach in Souda Bay. i read your bloges ever day and pray zat you vill come to see mama and me one day. oh, also, mama says to please send more monies perhaps from your google ad pays.

  11. If I may play through this little family affair and wild oat reunion, I heard a great one today on NPR while driving back from DC. The reporter actually said, "...Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and several "other" moderate democrats..." Yeah, right. Pelosi the moderate. Maybe compared to Janeane Garafolo or Al Franken. But they aren't really in politics. Oh, yeah, that's right. Sigh...
