Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mixed Signals Everywhere....

So the Administration is thinking about a second stimulus bill....at the same time it is considering a tax surcharge on wealthy Americans (you remember them don't you, the ones who already pay most of the taxes round here?) to pay for the ridiculously expensive health care. This on top of letting the Bush tax cuts expire on wealthy Americans in 2011.

Did we learn nothing from the Depression? You don't tax your way out of an economic crisis. You grow your way out. Raising taxes on wealthy Americans is the wrong way to go about growing our economy.


  1. AnonymousJuly 08, 2009

    Higher taxes are coming. That will be the hallmark of this administration. There has never, even from the days of campaigning be a plan to pay for any of these ideas. The issue was skirted in the debates, in interviews and never addressed. Instead the answer always sounds something like, re allocating mis spent or unspent funds, or taxing this nebulous and impossible to identify group that seem to be responsible for paying for all pet programs, health care, climate change etc. There will never be admission that a single cent has been raised via an increased federal tax.

    As for lessons from history. I think that is is becoming apparent that history was not the strong suit of this set of advisers. Just look at action vs inaction in today's current events.

  2. Great! Makes sense, the first one worked so well. Only a bunch of leftists would fall flat on their faces and then double down. We are in a lot of trouble.

  3. And while we're at it -raising taxes- let's come up with the 2009 version of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. Everyone is always talking about this financial morass as being the worst since the Great Depression; why not surpass the Great Depression?
