Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New on Conservative Wahoo TV--More Healthcare!

Catch the latest video here.


  1. Dear old DadJuly 21, 2009

    Excellent commentary! You could seek a better background and remove the cap indoors. You were brought up better than that.

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    Lay off the man. He's wearing a Virginia cap and he's the Conservative WAHOO.

  3. I love the pop up comments! But shut your cupboard door next time. For some reason I found myself watching it more than you.

    Are we liveblogging the press conference tomorrow night?

  4. Sorry--I didn't buy the painting, it was a gift from two dear friends in Buffalo, WY.

  5. Sally---I'll be driving out to the farm during the presser, but I'll make sure and provide space here for those who wish to liveblog...

  6. Take your Dad's advice.

    Though your commentary was right on point, people tend to give less credence to speakers in a ball cap.

    And try moving back just a tad from the camera.

  7. Oh dear, and I didn't shave either...

  8. Looked like you were wearing eye liner.

  9. You should be probably get a more swarthy person to give the commentary. I see you as a behind the scenes kind of guy. Maybe camera work for dramatic zooms?
    Great post. I think a key to the discussion is this number of "uninsured." Until we can come closer to agreement on the number that needs to be dealt with, there's little chance for compromise.
