Thursday, July 9, 2009

Now That's What I'm Talkin' 'Bout!

Take a look at Barack and Sarko--like a couple of construction workers.....



  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Too funny. Probably one of Berlusconi's ladies.

  2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Despite all his other failings he knowsd a nice butt when he sees it.

  3. It is a sixteen year-old butt, if I understand correctly.

    I'll wait for the full condemnation from NOW. Waiting....waiting....waiting....oh, forget it.

  4. Dee BunkerJuly 10, 2009

    ok, the video shows something different. everyone stop salivating.

  5. ghost of Halloween PastJuly 10, 2009

    Is a VERY funny shot -- I had to laugh when I saw this on your site and assumed as much myself.

    But as Dee points out, not quite what it seems without the benefit of depth perception you get in the video.

  6. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Yes, I remember when ABC news went to great lengths in order to provide the "rest of the story" when it was a Repub... oh, as double G say, "forget it".

  7. OK, I've examined the Zapruder film; and it is my expert opinion that Obama did indeed ogle, he just did it with a little more subtlety than Sarkozy.

    If you watch the film, you'll notice Obama's head moving back, and to the right at -00.23, which corresponds precisely to ogling head movements consistent with my single buttocks theory.

  8. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    He's just doing what every other male does in situations like that, you just try not to make it obvious...but he's looking.
