Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AARP Loses 60,000 Members Over Obamacare

CBS News is reporting that AARP--what I consider to be the most dangerous lobbying organization in the country--has lost 60,000 members since July 1, largely over members' dissatisfaction with Obamacare and the AARP's lapdog-like cozy-ing up to the administration. Good. There is not another organization in the country as blatantly dedicated to getting "something for nothing" as is the AARP.


  1. Good. Shut 'em down I say. Here's the deal. AARP is not an advocacy group for seniors. They are a marketing company to seniors. They sell all kinds of things to oldsters. So, their primary interest is to keep the cash register ringing.

  2. Old people are crazy and impressionable. That's why they need their children to filter the propaganda from these nutjob organizations.
