Thursday, August 20, 2009

Buffet Speaks: Now He Tells Us.....

Warren Buffet--the Oracle of Omaha, the Maharajah of the Midwest, the Knight of Nebraska, the Prince of the Plains--piped up yesterday to tell us that all the debt the country is piling up is a bad thing, and it will act as a drain on the economy. Thanks Warren.

But let's not forget where all that debt is coming from. It is coming from the thoroughgoing reshaping of the American economy being perpetrated by the President and his supporters in Congress--a group of people who at last report--were supported publicly and financially by.....Warren Buffet.

Warren's one of those great creatures who considers himself a "social liberal and a fiscal conservative". Problem is, ultimately the fiscal conservative has to finance the social liberal, and we're running out of cash.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, Maggie Thatcher said much the same thing. The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money.
    The problem with leftists is invincible ignorance.
