Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obama Calls for “Honest Debate” On Health Care

I’d pay to see that. I nominate Keith Hennessey to step into the octagon for the opposing side…


  1. I was just thinking this same thing earlier this week. I'm beyond incredulity at the idea that conservatives are not "proposing real health care reform." Andrew Sullivan and David Frum even suggested it a few weeks ago. Either they haven't really been reading broadly, which I find hard to believe, or they are so mesmerized by the odd ramblings (and I'm being nice against my nature) of Sarah Palin, that they cannot notice the more rational voices like Mr. Hennessey's.

  2. Oh God, why did you have to throw in that shot at Sarah Palin? Please tell me you haven't bought into the media template that conservatives are either evil or stupid.
    Two weeks ago Palin (on Facebook) brought up Obamacare's "Death Panel" and the MSM and the White House have been losing their minds with frustration ever since. Not bad for an airhead!

  3. An important point to note here is the oft-used tactic of Obama's to express his beliefs as a double negative. It's easy to recognize because he uses it so often in the same sentence pattern, e.g. 'I think/believe this, BUT I also think/believe the exact opposite.'

    An example, pulled from the text of the 11th's staged performance... I mean townhall.

    "I don’t think government bureaucrats should be meddling, but I also don’t think insurance company bureaucrats should be meddling."

    Meaning: someone needs to meddle... and... well... I think government bureaucrats should meddle... and let's vilify private insurance companies.
