Monday, August 10, 2009

The President and his Strawmen

The President continues to accuse opponents to his health care reform plan of wanting the "status quo." To whom specifically is he referring? This tune is starting to sound strangely familiar. Maybe instead of the tea parties and "astroturfing" town hall meetings, we could get permits to erect an army of scarecrows on the Washington DC Ellipse, so at least then, our president would actually have some real straw men against which he could rail.

And yes, it was a cheap rhetorical trick when used by our last president, too.


  1. Peta Peta PunkineataAugust 11, 2009

    Mr. Thorn - Scaring crows or even speaking disparagingly about them is an affront to the entire animal kingdom and borders on a hate crime. Please keep your radical ideas to yourself.

  2. James CrowAugust 11, 2009

    Thorn - Can't a bird be black in this country without someone like you spewing your hatred and call to others who are like you to erect symbols of crowism in our nation's capital? I'll bet you wouldn't get away with this if you had proposed scare-eagles.

  3. Robert, it appears your post has opened to raven reviews.

  4. Moi? Whatever do you mean?
