Thursday, September 10, 2009

The President's Speech on Healthcare

Sorry gang, didn't watch it. Recorded it to watch later.

What did all of you think? How about the heckling? Good? Bad? Appropriate? Inappropriate? Get it off your chest!


  1. My Facebook posting last night:

    I tried to watch Obama's address to a joint session of Congress tonight. But since this was not a State of the Union speech and since the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbor, I guess I just wasn't caught up in the mood. Besides, Beverly Hills Chihuahua was on HBO and there's no way I was missing that!

  2. Nerd that I am, I had Scrabble Club last night so missed the first half of it. But do we even need to watch these things anymore-we've got ten million experts on TV telling us what we just heard as though we can't figure it out for ourselves.

    Giving great speeches is Obama's best weapon and he should have given this one a few months ago; it may have avoided the ugly summer he had. But in my view he still didn't answer the biggest question of how he pays for his 'chicken in every pot' health care philosophy. When he says 'not one dime will be added to the deficit' does that mean 'because 100 gazillion dimes will be added' ?

    Joe Wilson: awful, even if the people criticizing him the harshest probably thought it was hysterical that GWB had shoes thrown at him. That said, inexcusable, like a little kid who can't control an outburst.
    Invoking Ted Kennedy: over-the-top schmaltz. Sheila Jackson Lee's outfit: UGH. And unnecessarily partisan in spots.

    But probably played well in Peoria. He sounded like the reasonable centrist he campaigned as. It will be interesting watching the debate going forward.

  3. Ghost of Halloween PastSeptember 10, 2009

    Sally, I respectfully disagree: Sheila Jackson Lee's outfit didn't strike me as partisan at all.

    Speech was strong, clear, respectful of the various approaches that led to this point, firm about the need to take action on a solution that may by 80% perfect (to each side) contains 20% of collaborative work that while not ideal for either side, will pass and work. I thought the Kennedy nod was appropriate and meaningful.

    Joe Wilson's heckling? You could say it's lack of self-control in the face of emotion, as Wilson explained in his apology, or you could also see in it a cartoon representation of the GOPs approach to finding a solution: hostile disruption, lack of civility, and lacking any productive value.

  4. GHP, I meant the speech was unnecessarily partisan at spots. I should have proofread better.

    And ascribing Joe Wilson's behavior to the GOP's approach to problem-solving is as silly as suggesting that because Charlie Rangel is a low-life tax cheat, every Democrat is as well.

  5. Looks like the Dems like the British national healthcare model but not the rough and tumble debate that occurs in Parliament. Wilson was right, Obama is lying. Does anyone really think that Obamacare will deny healthcare to an illegal alien. It is illogical to think that those who feel that healthcare is a "right" do not believe that "right" extends to all, citizen and illegal alien alike.

  6. I don't know about her outfit but Sheila Jackson Lee's hair reminded me of the bar scene in Star Wars. As a matter of fact her brain reminds me of the bar scene in Star Wars.
    The Kennedy remark was typical and expected but if he really wanted to pay tribute to the man he would have pulled out a flask and taken a slug (while grabbing Pelosi's boob). And Joe Wilson, what can you say. The man heard a bald faced lie and his emotions got the better of him. Several amendments have been introduced to specifically exclude abortion and illegals from obtaining benefits, every last one was defeated by the Democrats. What does that tell you?
    Listen I hope they do pass this crap but I don't think they're that stupid. I think they'll pass some bill with a trigger and bring along a few braindead Republicans for cover. Trigger kicks in 2013, hey they got what they wanted anyway and they defer the political damage.

  7. Chicken MiddleSeptember 10, 2009

    According to

    False: Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered

    One Republican congressman issued a press release claiming that "5,600,000 Illegal Aliens May Be Covered Under Obamacare," and we’ve been peppered with queries about similar claims. They’re not true. In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


    Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

    Also, under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs. Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it.

  8. Chicken MiddleSeptember 10, 2009

    Of course, I realize there's a lot of ball left to played, so illegal alien coverage might find its way back in...

  9. Is the Pew Hispanic Center reliable? Is is associated with the notoriously liberal Pew Foundation? I suspect it is and if that's the case you can keep those numbers.
    After all that's happened with the illegal immigration issue in the last 25 years do you expect us to believe Obama/Reid/Pelosi will exclude them from the biggest piece of legislation since the Great Society? I have to tell you I'm insulted you would think we're that friggin' stupid. If you want to sling BS at least make it somewhat believable.

  10. Ghost of Halloween PastSeptember 10, 2009

    Sally, I was just kidding with you, your meaning was clear. The juxtaposition of lines was funny (to me). I should have added a :). But I hate those things.

  11. Chicken MiddleSeptember 10, 2009

    Point taken. I just posted the entirety of the quote for reference. I did not say that I believed it or not. I do not know. I don't think you are stupid. I do think you are a bore.

    It is my fault for not learning from my previous mistakes in trying to engage or elicit discussion in which you will offer your opinion.

  12. I simply become too incensed watching anything that has in its immediate backdrop, Nancy-in-the-Box Pelosi doing her "pop goes the weasel" routine every 10 seconds with that intolerably smug grin. I remain completely confounded at how this citizen, of all the citizens from which we as a nation could draw, became the third most senior government offical unless to ensure that no one even thinks about harming the President and Vice President. For those who say capital punishment is not a deterrent, perhaps we could sentence murderers to endure living in a country where President Pelosi is their head of state. That would have the ACLU crying "cruel and unusual" but I bet it'd work.

    As for the President, as usual, well-orated. Appears to be watching a lot of West Wing reruns, though. He remains absolutely dismissive of the concerns being voiced by a significant portion of the people for whom he serves. His message of "talk to me about issues of substance" and "stop spreading lies" might also be good advice to heed himself. Yes, it is political gamesmanship to say such things, but as he said himself, "the time for playing games is over." At least he has stopped telling the lie that "if you like the coverage you have, you can keep it" (now morphed to "there is nothing in this bill that mandates changing your current plan"). And while I am of the opinion that Rep Wilson was out of line (per the rules of decorum for this body) and would have no problem if he were censured for that behavior, I can understand how he might have forgotten to use his "inside voice" while thinking a very valid thought. This President has lied to us. Frequently. And especially with respect to this massive health care plan that morphs daily and without warning. And since the left is firmly convinced that the prior Administration lied about WMDs in Iraq (ignoring the broad body of evidence to the contrary), I would expect them to be unaccepting, if even to a lesser degree since it's now "their guy", of this deceptive treatment of health care reform.

  13. Chicken Middle,

    I was listening to someone on a local radio talk show this morning and he backed up what you said--but he also said that in the bill exists language stating illegals won't be covered, but you cannot ask someone for proof of citizenship. Perfect cover, hm? (But I don't know how knowledgeable the guy was.)

  14. Oh I get it. You posted stuff you didn't actually believe yourself just to advance your point. Lord give me strength.

  15. Sally / Chicken: I've also read that as well on other sites that there's no detail on how one would legally determine if someone is illegal or not.

  16. Mr. Wilson’s outburst was in very bad form. One justifiably expects our legislators to exercise the utmost decorum in the house. What is next, Korean legislature style fisticuffs on the floor?

    Oh and the President's speech. If only it were all true.

  17. Chicken MiddleSeptember 10, 2009

    Another one on the Immigration issue:

  18. Chicken MiddleSeptember 10, 2009

    Goldstar to Michael Goldfarb

    @thegoldfarb: I can no more disown Joe Wilson than I can disown the whole Republican community.
