Saturday, December 26, 2009

Newt Gingrich For RNC Chairman

Newt Gingrich fascinates me. He's a hyper-intelligent, historically minded political tactician, and perhaps the best spokesman that limited government conservatives have. Just watch this bit of a speech he gave recently (passed along to me by my boss, so forgive a bit of shameless ass-kissing). THIS is what we need setting the strategy, making the difference.


  1. I agree with you, Newt's a very intelligent, articulate guy with some interesting ideas. Unfortunately, he has more negatives than positives and possesses a lousy sense of judgment; displayed most recently in his support of Dede Scozzafava in last November's New York congressional election.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr. Gingrich does have some negatives such as his marital infidelity but I would say that his choice of Scozzafava was a purely pragmatic political decision of minor import.

    I believe that he is arguably the most informed, intelligent and articulate person in today's political arena regardless of party affiliation whose positives would easily overshadow any negatives. Gingrich/Romney or Gingrich Palin would be difficult for a thinking person to vote against. And Newt/Mitt has a certain ring to it. As in Newt and Mitt is the presidential hit.

  4. Palin?! And please leave comparisons of executive experience to Obama out of it. He was a bad choice, too. While I am sure she is a nice woman and would make a decent leader of many organizations, let's not pretend that we should be mentioning her on the same ticket as Romney or Gingrich.

  5. Nothing short of a clarion call. Thank your boss for finding this one.

  6. Let us look at past presidents and Vice Presidents and ask what it was that made them such wonderful choices. We did not know how great (Regan) or how terrible (Carter) they would be until after the fact. And why would one leave out the fact that Palin has been a successful CEO based on her record alone without comparing her to anybody let alone "The unqualified one".
