Monday, December 7, 2009

This Is The Way Countries On The Rise Do Energy

Here's a story on Brazil's move to exploit massive oil deposits off its coast. This from a country that has already diversified its energy supply by indigenous production of sugarcane ethanol, to the tune of nearly 17% of its energy supply.

Should we be investing in wind and solar? Yes. But also nuclear and domestic oil production. There is no silver bullet--there is only the continuing prospect of petro-extortion from countries that want to kill us.


  1. The last thing environmentalists want is a coherent energy policy. They want expensive confusion.

  2. Two interesting pieces in the article:

    1) George Soros is a major investor; and,
    2) Exxon Mobil has invested billions in this project. Think about how those billions may have impacted our own economy had they been authorized to "drill here, drill now." Oh well.
