Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jonah Goldberg On The Left's Fascination With Matters Abroad

We had a chat on the radio program about Ann Coulter, and I revised previously made comments about her, in that I did recognize that she's pretty darn funny. She doesn't deal in ideas per se, but she does crack a good wise.

You want to follow a superb thinker who is also funny? That's Jonah Goldberg. Some of his stuff is hilarious--Mark Steyn funny even. But it is all very well-thought-out, including this discussion of the Left's fascination with the way other countries do things. Seemingly no authoritarian society worldwide has escaped the Left's fascination and praise, wistful longings for the kind of centralized power available to the truly autocratic government.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read the piece but that's one of the big differences between fascism and communism. Fascism looked inward, was nationalistic. Socialism was international and outward looking.

    Now I'll read the article, I'm probably talking out my ass.
