Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Obama Onslaught on Obese Over-reaching?

Ms. Gunlock over at NRO raises the specter of the Nanny State in FLOTUS's new focus on childhood obesity. I get it. I'm no fan of government expansion even if it is to help forestall the expansion of our nation's waistlines. Yet, when she suggests, not surprisingly, that parental guidance is the key, it falls it bit fat...err flat for me when I recall that six in 10 Americans are overweight or obese. Call me crazy, but if Mom and Dad aren't quite sure how to eat healthily, maybe their guidance to Junior is going to be a bit off. There's got to be a solution in between. Thoughts?


  1. Mr JeffersonFebruary 10, 2010

    Nothing to say about obesity. But let me just beat CW to the punch on his next post:

    Wah, wah, wah, I hate all this snow! My contacts are frozen and my Kindle isn't working right! The stable boys haven't made it here all week and I have to dig my Jag out of the snow. I haven't had a Starbucks in days; I have to get my coffee from the second floor coffee machine! Even the Kitten has become a snarling jungle cat. I can't get my run in, so it's REALLY going to be a big fat free for all this Friday.

  2. 1. The Kindle is working fine.
    2. I can get my coffee from a Keurig in the bedroom, or in the kitchen.
    3. I have a new treadmill in the mancave, so there's no running issue.


  3. As for the actual CONTENT of RT's post--he's got a point. They can serve healthy lunches at school all they want, but when junior sits down at the table and Mom (notice i didn't say Dad) is scarfing down the high fat diet--well, the message just isn't going to sink in....

  4. Ghost of Halloween PastFebruary 10, 2010

    "when junior sits down at the table and Mom (notice i didn't say Dad) is scarfing down the high fat diet ..."

    ok, why the special call-out to us Moms? (tapping sensibly-clad mother-foot and giving your the same look I lay on the 4YO -- as of today! -- when she's experimented with tossing pasta onto the dining room chandelier or showing play dough into the gaps between ancient, creaky floorboards in the old farmhouse.

    I think I'm going to have to join your BFFFFA to show you how to really take off the "baby weight".

  5. Certainly a worthy cause for a FLOTUS to highlight. I wonder, though, given her relatively high popularity, whether there isn't a more strategic objective behind having Michelle roll up her slee...uh, take the helm of this project. Folks like us get to say, hey, that's a worthy cause for a FLOTUS. Then, having opened our listening, she starts pumping our ears full of more discussions about the health epidemic childhood obesity is and how it puts a strain on our already strained health care system and... VOILA!!!...we're all converted, the tea parties vanish, and we're all begging the Administration to swaddle us in universal health care. I'm already finding myself saying "Doing nothing is not an option" and "It's all Bush's fault". Man, it really works.
