Thursday, March 25, 2010

David Broder--Cheerleader for Congressional Democrats

In one of those columns for which the aging Broder is becoming famous, he treats us all to a walk down wistful memory lane, this time with the help of another aging Washington luminary-- Michigan Congressman John Dingell, who succeeded his father in a special election in--1955 (yikes)--when his father died in office. While Republican family connections always seem to raise talk of impending monarchy, Dems seem to get a pass on this one--Broder puts it here thusly: "It was 1955 when Dingell succeeded his late father in a special election from Downriver Detroit and took up the family business of working for health care to be guaranteed for every family regardless of income."

"Family business of working for healthcare". I'll say. John Dingell's never done a day of "business business" in his life. But I digress.

Broder's obviously a HUGE FAN of the healthcare atrocity, but even his cheerleading cannot hide the basic chicanery at the heart of this bill. Broder lightly puts it this way: "Inevitably, the cost of the guarantees embodied in this bill will confront a future Congress with hard choices these legislators finessed."

"Finessed"? I'll say. I love it when even someone on their side acknowledges that this bill is a lie.


  1. Ghost of Halloween PastMarch 25, 2010

    No fair! Why do Democrats always get to stay out past 9?

    "While Republican family connections always seem to raise talk of impending monarchy, Dems seem to get a pass on this one ...." Gosh, that's just so true, and so unfair. Has NO ONE noticed the JFK, RFK, Teddy, Caroline connection? Compare the photos, listen to those accents. Someone needs to do an expose.

  2. As a matter of fact--lots of people have noticed it, only to get swatted away by the bought and paid for media--in love with the Kennedy mystique and their "championing" of such wonderful and self-evident things like universal healthcare. As long as you're working for things the media/liberals (but I repeat myself) support--the dynasty is ok.

  3. Ghost of Halloween PastMarch 25, 2010

    That was tongue in cheek, CW -- if you haven't come across any of the many msm news articles making note of the dynastic nature of the Kennedys/Shrivers/Schwarzeneggers, Longs, Lees, Roosevelts, Daleys, Udalls, Clintons, Dodds, Tsongases, etc. .... incl the more recent msm mentions of dynasties in the context of H. Clinton, B. Biden, and C. Kennedy, you may want to send a stern note to your papercarrier out there on the Eastern Shore.

  4. I forgot--you're one of the very few non-humorless liberals. I need to remember that when I read your stuff.

  5. In 1955 'he took up the family business of working for guaranteed health care'? 1955? He certainly works efficiently. What's he been doing for the last 55 years?
