Thursday, March 11, 2010

World's Most Beautiful College Campuses

And yes, UVA is among them. But so are the two other campuses I've seen that exceed UVA's beauty--Stanford and Princeton. Some pretty places here--didn't realize the University of Cincinnati is as nice as all that.



  1. Yes UVA have a beautiful campus, shame about the students.

  2. Indeed. Too bad NC State has neither. Nor grammar, apparently.

  3. Don't get high and mighty with me Bub. When I think of something good to say about State's campus you'll be very sorry.
    I'm working on it.

  4. Ok CW, answer me this. Play fair now and don't look it up. That beautiful domed building you were kind enough to share with us owes it architectural style to what famous personage? Oh yeah, Montecello as well.
    Don't tell me I know more about UVA than you!

  5. I honestly don't know. I do know that the Pantheon in Rome inspired Jefferson, but I don't know who the architect of the Pantheon was. You got me.

  6. Zing BABEE! Feel the burn.
    It was Palladio...
    You probably have palladian windows in your house. He was sort of the Da Vinci of renaissance architecture. Very influential in design circles.
    Just goes to show, beautiful campus filled with dummies.

  7. Hmm CW, I guess I'll have to direct your niece to your snarky NC State comment! I do take umbrage with you saying my daughter is ugly sir. Fetch me my dueling pistols Jeeves!

    Doc Milnamo

  8. "The Bammer"March 11, 2010

    What about the University of Alabama's campus?

  9. Doc, your daughter goes to State? I know she's a fine young lady and you must be very proud.

    Yeah I agree, that CW can be very petty at times. Probably got a ding on his new Jag.

  10. Ah, he's just busting stones and having a little fun. Dammit Jeeves, the pistols, where are those dueling pistols?
