Monday, August 30, 2010

Radio Show Bleg

How's about suggesting a few things to talk about on Wednesday night's radio show, folks?


  1. Hillary Clinton's State Department dropped a dime on Arizona to the UN Human Rights Commission.
    That bitch!

  2. I tuned in last night to the podcast CW was participating in because I'm a political junkie. I love talking politics and most people get very annoyed with people like me. They'd rather talk about Dancing with the Stars or Big Brother. Myself I'd rather coat my genitalia with honey and sit on a fire ant mound than engage in such minutia.
    Last night's podcast was interesting (there was a guy with a hardcore Italian name who makes me sound like Prince Charles) but ultimately it missed the mark. It was basically an echo chamber with variations on a theme. Yes we're conservative and yes that's a good point blah blah blah.
    I propose this. Tomorrow night on CW's podcast I will be the Hammer... and Sickle. I will present and defend the arguments of the left. I will be insulting and condescending (not necessarily a stretch for me). I will attack you and berate you from the leftist perspective. I will pull no punches and humiliate you (in the nicest possible way) if given the opportunity. I will be an advocate for the cause.
    Now, if this is a little too out there for you CW just say so and I won't call in. Otherwise, get ready.
    I do this because it's good to hear from the other side. They're not all bad and they often times come from a good place, they're just wrong. Another reason is, I like so many others of my generation, thought if I could only talk to a Communist I could persuade him to the error of his way in minutes. Don't you believe it. I've talked to a good few Marxist and many will tie you in knots. And the last reason I will attempt this disputation is, well it'll be good fun.
    I hope you accept CW. The Hammer is ready for a throw down, don't pussy out.

  3. I have gotten a lot of feedback that we need a hard core lefty to call in to be the counterpoint. Worth an experiment I wager.

  4. Conversely, we can dissect the Presidents' performance in his address to the Nation, the republican response, and the gold market.

    If we have time, I would like to go into the why and wherefore of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Commission, and their choices as to what to lock up behind the counter vs. what to have out in the open. An example: a $25 bottle of Hypnotiq is locked up in a cage behind the counter, as is the $19 Henessy, but the $150 single malt is out in the open, as is the Russian Standard Platinum vodka. I would like some background on that decision.

  5. Hammer--sorry you didn't find last night's fare to your liking.

    As for your offer, I decline. Not because I don't see the value of a counterpoint position, because I do. But being insulting, condescending and humiliating would not be permitted from someone with whom I agree, let alone someone with whom I disagree.

    If you wish to call in and engage in the discussion in a civil manner--which by the way, you ALWAYS do when you call--then have at representing the other side. But I'm not interested in a split screen rant.

    Your choice.

  6. Who said it would be a rant? It would be good clean fun.
    But that's ok, it's your podcast. All I'm saying is making one defend one's position is more intellectually stimulating than everyone basically agreeing on this or that issue. Look, I'm not trying to turn things into a circus. I enjoy you and your listeners opinion. Everybody brings something to the table and I appreciate that. That's why I listen.
    But I can defend the progressive position with lucidity and vigor, and I'm sure it would be a healthy and entertaining debate. The condescending and insulting would be regrettable byproducts of the leftist debating style (never say one that wasn't).
    But I agree it's a risk and I understand if it's not one you're willing to take because I can almost guarantee you I'd eat your lunch. I'm just saying.

  7. By the way, just for the record I'm not talking about personally insulting anyone. What I'm talking about is misrepresenting the conservative viewpoint in an insulting and condescending way. As you know I'm a Southern gentleman with impeccable manners and breeding. I would never personally insult any of you folks under any circumstances. I'm appalled that you would even think that.

  8. You said it, Hammer.

    "I will be insulting and condescending (not necessarily a stretch for me). I will attack you and berate you from the leftist perspective. I will pull no punches and humiliate you (in the nicest possible way) if given the opportunity. I will be an advocate for the cause."

  9. That's all true, in the context of advancing the progressive construct.
    Look, it was just an idea I thought would be fun. Nevermind.

  10. Hammer, there would be fun in your advocacy of liberal positions--no problem whatsoever.

    It's just that I read into your proposal a certain snarling, MSNBC-Keith Olbermann-like advocacy, and that's what I'm not thrilled about.

    But if I misread, I'm sorry. Whatever contribution you wish to make to the radio show--either as a thoughtful conservative contributor (your usual guise) or as a (civil) faux liberal--would be welcome.

  11. Thank you, and the forensic society of TickBite thanks you.

  12. Vlad II DraculSeptember 01, 2010

    That is all Renfield, you may go.

  13. You know, after hashing this around inside my pea brain I think this would probably be a bad idea. It might work but I would be forced to use the left's tactics so you would all be homophobic, genocidal, knuckle-dragging racists, and I would of course point that out every two minutes. That would certainly raise a few issues of decorum.
    So CW you're right, Keith Olbermann on crack would be ugly. But please, find a liberal. You're in Maryland for Pete's sake, there's millions of 'em up there.
