Sunday, September 12, 2010

Obamabilia Slump

Wondering about what the next bubble to burst will be? Wonder no more. It looks like the market for Obama tchotchkes is at an all time low - from these heady days, to this. One DC-based souvenir shop owner describes the hard times:

A life-size poster of a smiling Obama used to bring people up to the store to take their picture with the "president," and often lead them to buy a little piece of the Obama moment to take home, Cherkaoui said. Then customers started making derisive comments about the president, and the Obama that once brought in business is now stowed away in the storage room.

Perhaps a targeted stimulus plan to prop up these intrepid entrepreneurs of presidential swag? How about the Help Obamaphernalia Recovery and Reinvestment Act (HORRA)?


  1. I'll be in DC most of the week. Let me know if you want me to pick you up a crate or two of those "Hope and Change" shirts. Maybe a bumper sticker? How about an Obama chia? Everyone wants one of them.

  2. Tom de PlumeSeptember 12, 2010

    I was in the NBC store in NY last month and their stock of "Yes We Did" T-shirts had not yet made the discount rack.
