Sunday, October 17, 2010

Home Depot Founder Gives The President What For

Here's a little gem for your Sunday morning reading.  I also love his call for means testing Social Security....



  1. Brutal! I love it!

  2. Anybody who knows the first thing about politics knows the private sector and the public sector are forever rivals. The natural inertia of government is for more and more control, all for the public good of course. A centralized planned economy is essential to tyranny.

    I'm not the least interested in hearing Omama & Company's altruistic rationalizations, even if they are sincere. What I'm interested in is liberty; as a matter of fact I demand it as a human right. And if Obama succeeds in his powergrab (we've just seen the tip of the iceberg) then I feel no obligation to obey any laws until my freedom is restored.

  3. Sally and Hammer, you have it covered.
