Saturday, December 11, 2010

In Which I Agree With Rush Limbaugh

I don't do it often, and I generally tend to be wary of it, but in the case of the tax deal between President Obama and the current batch of Republicans in DC, I say no.  I hope it fails too.  The election we just witnessed was not about RAISING the deficit.  I hope it fails, and then 65 or so new folks come into the House and make a deal like this not do-able.  Then the real negotiations start.


  1. I hope it fails too! See, there's your country club Republican for you, Mitch McConnell. The Dems give up nothing, get all kinds of new spending and transfer the political deed to this shit economy to the Republicans. I'd sure love to play poker with the dumb son of a bitch, at the end of the night he'd go home in his jocks.

  2. Mega dittos! :) sorry, couldn't resist...

  3. I suspect Rush didn't write this -- The rich who pay 50% of taxes have 87% of household wealth and are nowhere near paying their fair share. "Carried interest" definition needs to change since it allows hedge fund mangers to pay only 15%tax on their multi-million dollar earnings. Financial institutions should pay windfall profits tax since they are the only ones of us who have access to the Fed discount window and can borrow at.05% interest and lend back to the Treasury through bonds that yield 4.00%The problem is the campaigns of law makers run on montains of cash that come from uber-wealthy donors(top1% of population has seen their share of hosuehold assets go from 7% to 24% in the last 20 yrs.)The tax laws they want are the ones we are getting and will continue this trend of more and more money staying

  4. Hey, give me the stat on the percentage of people who produce NONE of the wealth and what they consume in welfare, courts and incarceration, rehab, education and on and on and on.
