Monday, February 21, 2011

Agenda for Tonight's Conservative Wahoo Live! Internet Radio Program

Here's the working agenda for tonight: Listen here on your computer, call in  at 347.637.2203 to join in the fun.

·         Wisconsin Burning
o   Press bias
o   Racial makeup of crowds
o   Fake doctor note
o   Use of violent/Nazi imagery
o   Sick outs:  “for the children”?
·         Democracy Abroad
o   Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain, Iran
·         Hi Speed Rail Debate
·         Mitch Daniels and the Truce on Social Issues
·         Reporter Sexually Assaulted in Egypt
o   Doesn’t fit the narrative

1 comment:

  1. I'm considering buying a Sig 556.
    I don't want to ask this on FB because Sgt. Major will see it and I want it to be a surprise.
    Any thoughts, opinions, experience with this weapon?
    Any input will be appreciated.
