Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If a Man Had Done This...

Little tale here of a brand new bride whose new husband couldn't locate his passport in time to embark on their honeymoon. This posed little problem for the new Missus: she went alone. Her logical approach to this was that she didn't misplace HER passport.

And she had a glorious time! She lounged on her king-size bed, took gondola rides, and drank wine with beautiful men. She discovered what it was like to be married...she could get used to the idea...without him to interfere, she could truly be her most romantic. Additionally, she maintains that after the stress of a wedding, every bride should be alone. She felt sorry for anyone who had a groom to contend with on her honeymoon.

Can you imagine a man going on his honeymoon alone, talking about what a great time it was, and expressing joy that he didn't have to bother with his wife?


  1. This is the kind of thing that just makes me put my hand to my face as I shake my head. Disgraceful, and I pity the poor guy she is married to.

  2. My advice to the groom left at the alt...er, TSA screening station: take advantage of the beautiful wedding gift your bride gave you--grounds for divorce that even the worst attorney could win hands down. Do it now before she can get her hooks into everything you own or will own in the future. Cut this cancerous growth away before it consumes you.

    But also a question: were there really no clues along the way? Love may be blind but deaf and dumb too?

    Reminds me of half the country in Nov '08.

  3. Reminds me of the old Rosanne Barr line..."We're taking separate vacations this year. I'm going to Vegas, he can go to hell".

  4. She looks like Morticia from the Adams' Family.

  5. Ricky MartinFebruary 25, 2011

    A gay guy would not have done that to his new husband.
