Monday, June 20, 2011

Why is there a Miss USA Contest?

I enjoy the site of a beautiful woman as much as the next guy--ok, maybe a little more than the next guy--but news this morning of the crowning of a new "Miss USA" awakens in me a long-festering bit of wonder.  Why, in this day of female empowerment, do we still have "beauty pageants"?  Are they not simply the human equivalent of the Westminster Dog Show?  Some may think that they exist as a vestigial hangover from times of more open male oppression--but c'mon folks--men don't even watch these shows (outside of a sideways glance at the swimsuit "competition"). 

Miss California won the swimsuit competition and the crown
I guess the answer to my question is easy--freedom.  We have the freedom in this country to do largely as we please, and if enough people want to do what you want to do, well then you can get it on television.  I suppose the real question I should have asked is why does anyone care about beauty contests?


  1. Some things you don't question. You just look at it, try to recall when your snuggle-bunny had a stomach that flat (if they ever did) and take it for what it is.

  2. It isn't a "beauty pageant". It's a scholarship program. ;-)

  3. Porky ChauvinJune 20, 2011

    Why is there a Miss USA contest?

    Because men still have pulses.

  4. Hammer - Looks like your "coker" had a hip replacement. I would have assumed a much younger model for your photo.

    Wait a minute, didn't CW have a hip replacement a few years back?

  5. Aaron BurrieditJune 20, 2011

    Coke bottles at 20 paces?

  6. That's was CW's older and a helluva lot smarter brother.

    That a very disturbing x-ray isn't it? But somehow strangely appropriate for this blog.
