Sunday, November 6, 2011

Have You Contributed to Romney for President Yet?

If not, you can do so by clicking here.  Check to box that indicates you know your referrer's information to show the staggering influence of this blog!


  1. Have you plopped down a few bucks for Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann yet?

    By the way, nice win over the Terps.

  2. Do you think they're more interested in the number of donations or the monetary value of the donations?

    Is that a stupid question?

  3. I was wondering the same thing as PK-would it be more helpful to this site to have ten $10 contributions, or is it the same as one $100? Yes, I can do basic math, but does it make you look better to have a bunch of contributions, even small ones?

    Because after all, making you look good is important to all of us.

  4. If making me look good is your aim (and it should be, for heavens sake), one donation, small or large, works great. If you should come across additional funding as time goes on, additional donations are also welcome!

  5. Wahoo, I like Mitt, but an afraid he will betray us. He has espoused the Global Warming non-sense, and other wishy-washy ideas. I wish he would explain MassCare, and what he would do differently knowing what he knows now. Will he sign a repeal of ACA?

  6. He's already said he'd sign executive orders to stop the parts of ACA that he could, and that he'd support a repeal too.

    I think of it this way...Romney was the Republican Governor of one of the most liberal states in the union. That in itself is a trick. In order to get anything done, he had to be far more moderate than say, a Governor of Texas could be. His state was--like all states--hemorrhaging money on health care, and he worked to try and bring costs under control and insure more people. One of the ways was the mandate--something our federal constitution likely does not allow, but that states are not prohibited from. The mandate ensured that a sufficient number of healthy people were paying into the system, so that coverage could be extended without breaking the bank.

    I think what he did in Massachusetts was about as good as it could have been. Let's face it...the legislature could have done virtually anything it wanted, including single payer. He attempted to solve problems as best he could in the political situation he was in.

    As President, he deals with a much more conservative electorate. He's no Ron Paul or Michele Bachman, that's for sure. But he didn't advocate for illegal aliens to get instate tuition, either....

    Finally--Hammer will kill me on this....but he's the only one in the field who can beat Obama. Period. The only one who can grab enough folks from the middle to win a victory. That counts for something in my book. Obama must lose.

  7. Maybe so CW, but he's still a pussy.

  8. ...but he's the only one in the field who can beat Obama. Period. The only one who can grab enough folks from the middle to win a victory. That counts for something in my book. Obama must lose.

    I suppose so, but I can't help but agree with another comment I read about Romney; He's half man and half bumper sticker.

  9. Uncle WillieNovember 08, 2011

    Today (11/8/11)when the candidates were asked "Who do you think should be added to Mt. Rushmore"? Not one of them gave the correct answer "There is no one equal to the three already there"!
