Thursday, December 29, 2011

WaPost Gets Iowahawked

Iowahawk takes a look at a recent WaPost piece on the Solydra scandal, and it is a gem.  Here's a wonderful bit from it, rightfully criticizing the Post's view of what the "scandal" at Solyndra actually was:

"Look, I have nothing against Linda Sterio, any more than I have anything against a waitress unwittingly employed by an Al Capone speakeasy. I wish her well in obtaining employment. But let's be clear: the scandal is not that she lost her job at Solyndra, it's that she ever had a job at Solyndra. And that she, and countless others, were deprived jobs at legitimate businesses because government sucked $500 million out capital markets to endorse and underwrite the "clean-energy" hustles of its favorite check-writing eco-crooks."


1 comment:

  1. Typical journalism. Remember all the media whining because the Enron employees saw the value of the stock in their 401ks obliterated, as if they actually lost something? Same stupidity.
