Friday, February 10, 2012

A Dad Reaches His Limit With His Teen Daughter

This video has gone viral, and it generally has met with a series of very supportive comments.  I watched it this morning, and while I can understand a great deal of this man's frustration, I have a sense that there is a whole lot more wrong with this family than just a rebellious daughter.  While Dad may indeed be rising to the level of folk hero, he may have a few issues to iron out of his own.  Watch and see if you agree.


  1. His daughter is a future voting liberal if he doesn't turn her entitlement ass around. Wish more parents of future liberals would do the same.

  2. See, I've addressed the "too old to wipe your ass" issue (hey, not just a hat rack upstairs), it's called cirrhosis of the liver. I'm always thinking ahead.

  3. Tom de PlumeFebruary 10, 2012

    Loved what he said. I wonder though... is that a gun on his hip? Usually those who wear a gun, or have one concealed, own more than one pistol. How does one determine which one to strap on that day? Am I in a revolver or semi-auto mood? 9mm or .45? Open carry or concealed? So many choices.

  4. Tom de PlumeFebruary 10, 2012

    OK, I'm busted. I didn't have the patience to sit through his 8 minute rant. This the "is that a gun on his hip" question.

  5. While I cheered much of what he said, I think he went way over the top with the public humiliation. And really, he couldn't just confiscate her laptop, he had to destroy it like that? Come on.

  6. He also committed the cardinal sin of any type of situation like this - his primary beef with his daughter is that she went public with her complaints. He does the same and then some. Nuts

  7. I agree, CW. This will not go well. Can we spell "escalation," boys and girls?

    And could he not have put out the cigarette BEFORE he started the camera?
