Monday, February 27, 2012

Obama Crushes Romney.... this poll.

But they are tied in this poll...

and Romney is ahead in this poll....

All appear reputable. 

Message: polls are meaningless right now. 


  1. Don't listen to any polls, especially now. They are just tools used to drive opinion. They under sample and over sample and count these and don't count those. It's all BS. The only pools worth looking at are the ones taken about three days before and election, and depending on who the pollster is, even those should be suspect. Want to know what the polls say, just watch the candidates, they'll tell you with their behavior what their internal polling says.

    Obama just came out with an "African American's for Obama" program in black churches. That tells me he ain't doing as well among working class black folks as he would like. Probably something along the lines of they might stay home. There you go.

  2. Gee, given the silence in the media over Obama's campaign innovation, I'm guessing now would be a good time for Romney to start a "Whites for Romney" program.
