Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Again? Well--Have You Donated To Mitt Romney for President?

Folks--it looks as if our fundraising effort has hit a little wall, and some of it might be technological.  I've gotten word from at least two of you that you've donated, but the amount isn't added to the CW total.  When I check the dashboard, I have access to how much an individual has given in total, and how much of it is credited to the blog total--if there is a difference, it means A) that the fundraiser ID for the blog (4847) is not included in the contribution or 2) there is a technical problem with the system.  Please--if you desire to donate, use the link to the donation website by clicking this or clicking the link on the right side of the blog--both have the ID embedded in the URL.  Ensure you check the block saying you know your referrer.

How about---oh, say FIVE of you donate today, so that we can shake out the system, m-kay?

Headed down to Tampa on late Monday morning, and there through Thursday; I'll be home and watching Mitt accept the nomination by Thursday evening.  I will blog from the convention (a la bizarro Hunter S. Thompson), doing my best to give you the story behind the story. 

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