Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanks for Your Interest, Now Please Go Away

Rick Santorum is open to a 2016 run. Great!  Because what the Republican Party needs right now as it bleeds support from women is an intolerant scold on social issues


  1. Sally - you KNOW you dig me.

  2. Social issues may be the one way to draw many minorities to the Republican party. Rick Santorum may not be the guy in 2016, but we need to stop nominating these squishy Republicans like McCain and Romney.

  3. NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo..................

  4. I used to not care about social issues. What business of mine was it if you had sixteen abortions or liked to suck doorknobs? But I've come to realize character and morality matters and it's not all just economics.

    If we had a good moral society do you think we'd have all these lazy pieces of shit looking to ride the government gravy train? Of course not. People had a little pride and perseverance. Who was it(?) Will Durant who said before a society it defeated from the outside it first destroys itself from the inside. We might just need a social conservative to take the fight to the leftists.

    But chew on this, change is coming. The only question is will we tolerate our loss of freedom or not.

  5. Not disputing the importance of social conservatism. But Santorum espouses these issues in a way that makes him seem like the minister in Footloose. The right messenger could carry those issues in a way that Santorum never could. If Democrats and the press could paint someone like Romney as a guy who'd overturn Roe v. Wade and take away your birth control, imagine how easy it'd be for them with Santorum.

  6. That's the point Sally, the left will paint any conservative candidate as Cotton Mather even if he's married to his gay lover of 40 years. I say don't run from who you are, defend it and go on the attack with it. Make the case and let the chips fall where they may.
