Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's Award Season!

Pat Buchanan has been awarded the coveted Father Robert F. Drinan Peace and Human Rights Award from the Center for American Progress. Presenting the award to the acerbic, controversial right-wing commentator and former Presidential candidate was Senator Al Franken (D-MN). A host of dignitaries were in attendance as well including Master of Ceremonies former Congressman Barney Fwaank, Prof. Bernadine Dohrn from the Northwestern University School of Law and the immediate past Director of Northwestern's Children and Family Justice Center, and Richard Trumka President of the AFL-CIO, an award finalist.

Also being honored this week is former Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. The Honorable Ms. Clinton is to receive the Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center. Board Chairman former Governor Jeb Bush will present the award to Ms. Clinton appropriately enough on the eve of last year's attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. When asked for comment Ms. Clinton was quoted as saying "What difference does it make!"



                Guess which one is BULLSHIT!


  1. Depends on your definition of bullshit. The first one is bullshit because it COULD never happen. The second is bullshit because it SHOULD never happen.

  2. Options

    Phillip Jennings


    I was asked if American had leaders somewhere, perhaps in the military. A difficult question, and I am not an expert. With the main stream media in Obama's tank, it is difficult. I think someone will come along who is strong enough. Compare a general to Obama--by the time a general/admiral makes his second or third star, he has commanded thousands of troops, served in perhaps dozens of overseas locations with friends and contacts in all. He will have studied history and government at graduate school level. He will be comfortable with princes and diplomats. He will not be a seeker of wealth nor a spender of wealth. He will have practiced politics for tens of years, lived with budgets, perhaps faced withering losses of friends and troops for which he felt responsible. He will have assumed responsibility for every bit of authority he gained. He will almost certainly cherish the country and know the meaning and value of freedom. He will most likely be a religious man in varying degrees. He will be proud to be in uniform and to represent the greatest country on earth. The successful military man is a minor renaissance man if he rises to the top. There are some weak, bad apples. But for the most part there is a great pool of talent and power. Unfortunately, Obama has broken a number of them. Some were major disappointments, but I won't go into that. And we have Obama. Match him up with the attributes I've mentioned. One could cry.

  3. To the above sentiment, I just have two words for you . . . JOE SESTAK!! I know, I know, you did say there were some weak, bad apples, but I just couldn't help it. I saw Sestak in action (inaction?) at the Pentagon, up close & personal, and it wasn't pretty. My two cents, for what its worth.
