Monday, July 7, 2014

Dispatch from the Tropics Part VI

MOORED, TRELLIS BAY BVI. it is morning here, and the adults are all bestirred while the kids sleep on. It is our last full day here in paradise, and much planning has gone into its discharge...from those prone to such things on vacations. I however, made no input into how the day is spent, as I intend to spend it just as I please irrespective of where we are.

Our victualling effprts for this trip have been relatively successful, though we are in somewhat of a coffee crisis. The my request....ordered instant coffee for me for our sailing, though it was a modest sized container. I fear there are only two manly cups left, and I have had only one today. I don't believe Rob has had any. Catherine has taken our dinghy ashore, and I urged upon her the task of finding more instant coffee at the market. I know it is there, but I fear we are early for island commerce.  I see the distinct possibility of (horrors) going without coffee tomorrow morning until we have docked and begin the boat return cleanup and logistics.  Condiments are a bit of a problem, and unless there is a food bank of sorts on the dock, we are likely to waste some of them.

The lst full day...of a great trip. I will however, be happy to get home. It is hard to imagine having become so attached to two dogs, but I can't wait to get up Wed morning and go pick them up. i also want to return to the steady pace of work, the order and certainty it brings. I realize that I sound like someone on the Prussian General Staff, but I like things to proceed along an orderly path. While this has been relaxing, it has also been somewhat maddening as The Kitten has tried to ensure a very Democratic approach to how things go. Very disorderly.  Fitting in the wants and desires of six human beings, several of whom exercise little or no restraint, turns into an LSAT logic problem on steroids. A bit of "here is where we are going and here is what we will eat" would be fine with me, but then again, I am Field Marshall von Meaniebutt, and I am not in charge here.

Tomorrow will likely offer the opportunity to update you on our travels as a foursome on the way home. Answers to questions like "where in the hell are you going to put all those large shells for transport back, given that you arrived one square of toilet paper away from over pressurizing your two carryons?" and "Oh, did I not tell you that I was sitting up front for the San Juan to DC flight? How silly of me." will be forthcoming.

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