Monday, September 22, 2008

Maybe Ruth Marcus isn't Completely in the Tank for Obama....

I'm not sure that before today I've read anything Ruth Marcus has written with which I have agreed. Previously a "reporter" for the Post and now an editorial writer, she is predictably liberal and predictably pro-Democrat (natch). That said, she does yeoman duty today in exposing some of Barack Obama's recent campaign commercial whoppers. You don't see much of this from the Post, and especially not from Ruth Marcus.


  1. Albeit just one such foray into the "fair and balanced" (and I wish I had copyrighted the term so I could sue Fox News for so abusing it) world of political commentary, I have to share in giving Ms. Marcus kudos here. She is not so much a commentator or reporter as a columnist and, as such, has no real obligation to try to straddle the ever gaping divide between Dems and GOP. But she does herself some justice here without forfeiting her Democratic Party membership card. One can disagree with the behavior of people, even key celebrities such as Obama, without abandoning her support for the party or the candidate. Especially when she so adamantly critiqued similar behavior in her chosen candidate's opponent the week prior. I hope Dems see her column as "patriotic" to the cause of the Dem Party as they view their own non-support of the war to be to the country.
