Saturday, October 31, 2009

Duke 28 UVA 17

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Two years in a row, we've lost to Duke. I don't want to be ungracious and not recognize that Duke has improved. That said, we suck, and we're getting suckier.

Duke scored 15 unanswered points in the last 10 minutes. Our defensive backfield was a sieve.

Groh must go.

On the positive side of the ledger, I met up with semi-frequent commenter John S and said hello. Good to finally meet him--older brother of a close college buddy that he is.


  1. No shame there, Duke isn't Duke anymore. They are very well coached and they know how to win. David Cutcliffe has done an outstanding job.

  2. "No shame there"...WTF?!

    From where I was sitting in Section 126 there should be plenty of shame. If the sucking sound is so loud CW can hear it from the Eastern Shore, it's time for Groh to go. The Hoos, and by that I mean past and present, were humiliated in front of a half full stadium. Either Littlepage has no cajones or Groh has some very incriminating pictures that include barnyard animals or worse. Littlepage needs to pull the trigger, and I mean now.

    CW, great to finally meet up face to face. I hadn't ever heard the story of Kurt giving you a ship to ship ride...very funny. Come hunt ducks when you can.

  3. I feel your pain. We were humiliated at home as well 49-28. Duke had 502 total yards (xBox numbers) 459 in the air! They completed 40 of 50 passes! And the game didn't look that close!
    Look just get a bottle of Cutty, take Monday off and by Tuesday you'll be hungover but fine.

  4. Could be worse. My nephew goes to Michigan...cold and sucking..
