Saturday, October 31, 2009

World Series

I write from the living room of my favorite Democrat, Rob. Rob and I have been friends for 26 years, and we have had season tickets to UVA Football together for many years.

The World Series is on, and I'm watching it--which may come as a surprise to those who know how little regard I have for the game of baseball. Truth is, World Series baseball is very different from regular season (yawn) baseball--and every pitch seems to matter. I've enjoyed the first two games quite a bit.

It's hard to figure out who to pull for. The Phillies are an obvious choice, as I grew up in South Jersey, and they are sort of a home town team. They are also a scrappy hard-working bunch, and there's a lot there to like.

But damn--Derek Jeter looks like he LOVES the game. I don't think I've ever seen anyone appear to have as much fun at work as he does. I'm also a fan of A-Rod--who I'd like to see win a World Series someday. But just not this year.

It's kind of nice to actually enjoy watching baseball again.


  1. Why in the world are you a fan of A-Rod?

  2. I was pulling for both teams (vice teams from California) to make the WS. The ambiance of autumn in the Northeast beats-out anything else. You CANNOT play the World Series in a dome, in Florida, or in California. It is the "Fall Classic" and should be played where the season is such, where the pitchers wear a jacket when they reach base, etc.

    Except if the Brewers were playing. Then we'd have to make an exception.

  3. I'm with you you CW. I'm enjoying Fall baseball again too, although I'm finding that staying up for the whole game is tougher than it was in younger years.

    Since the Birds aren't playing, and since being an Orioles fan makes one genetically predisposed to hate the Yankees, I'm sort of pulling for the Phillies...but this year I'm mostly pulling for good pitching and fun games regardless the outcome.

    ...and as the Hoos are sucking wind in a big way, this is sort of a warm-up for UVA season ticket order form arrived last week.

  4. I can remember the young fellow, about age ten, who could recognize Johnny Bench's legitimate signature on a baseball.
    Dear ol' Dad

  5. What's wrong with A-Rod, Sally? He's a fine player with a ton of skill. From what I can tell....

  6. CW, I have trouble with A-Rod's juicing.

  7. ghost of Halloween PastNovember 02, 2009

    From what I hear, A-Rod is hung like a ... (can't quite do this justice).

    Literally, over his bed, 2 portraits of the man as centaur. I have no idea how I came across this, but, well, it seems relevant to this post:

    I really want to post this anonymously. But I have to man up to it.
